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Chapter Committees

Serving on a committee is a great way to expand your participation in the Chapter.  Committees are filled at our February Membership Meeting.

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Code Update Committee

The Code Update Committee works with the State NYSBOC and the ICC along with other associate organizations to effect changes that reflect the needs of the membership.  The committee also acts as the lobbying arm of the membership at the State level.  This committee is Chaired by Dan Sherman.



Education Committee

The Educational Committee oversees all training classes that are offered at our three (3) half-day classes and our Annual Education Conference.  The Education Committee is Chaired by Sam Ricotta.




Information & Technology Committee

The Information & Technology Committee oversees the distribution of information to Chapter Members through the website, social media, emails and digital newsletters.  This committee is Chaired by Valerie Scott.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee promotes and manages membership in the Capital District Chapter.  Attendance at recruitment events and job fairs tis not unusual.  This committee is Chaired by Andrew Fuller.




Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee reviews and awards scholarships annually for our Chapter Scholarship.  Applications are submitted late summer & awarded in the fall.  This committee is Chaired by Karen Guastella.



Sunshine Committee

The Sunshine Committee's purposes is to express congratulations, sympathy or concern to members of the organization in the event of illness, bereavement or milestone events.  If you are aware of any member's qualifying event, please send us an email by clicking here.

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